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Version History
Version NumberDateVersion Info
0.02.09eβ31/01/2021Moved BOPP crete and import function, except for APEX, to bopp.com
0.02.09dβ23/01/2021BOPP Subscriptions - Added date paid field
0.02.09cβ12/01/2021BOPP Administrators added
0.02.09bβ07/01/2021BOPP Subscription structure modifications
0.02.09aβ01/11/2020Updated Google Analytics info
0.02.09β20/07/2020Import individual APEX biannual files
0.02.08β09/03/2020Fixed APEX import problem when mid-year and year-end for the same year
0.02.07bβ11/02/2020Changed colours on import buttons for section separation
0.02.07β21/01/2020Import APEX Annual Files modifications
0.02.06β08/01/2020Deferred JavaScript execution in headers
0.02.05β28/08/2019Added Arion ID to Sires tables
0.02.04β13/08/2019Added DB internally to Horse/Sire class
0.02.03β02/08/2019isEmpty DB Function
0.02.02β23/07/2019APEX Import : Reorganised listing and Sire additions
0.02.01β24/06/2019SIRES : Added FFLSSH to Sires table
SSRDataImport: Added tables and SSRDataImport Class
0.01.58β10/06/2019IMPORT WST : New format for separate graphs and tables
0.01.57β17/04/2019IMPORT APEX: Fixed add new horse result test
Horse and Sire class: Fixed problem adding horses/sires incorrect boolean conversion and incorrect treatment of blank TJCISID
>About SSR and front page text changes
0.01.56β15/04/2019WST Imports - Fixed number formatting problems (commas, symbols, decimals, ...)
0.01.55β11/04/2019Data imports - Fixed APEX import problems
Verified and reprogrammed ALL Horse imports.
0.01.54β15/03/2019Data imports fixed boolean import problem
Buttons: Reformatted everywhere
0.01.53β12/03/2019New opening page text
0.01.52β11/03/2019Bill Oppenheim Group: Links to Bill Oppenheim web site
APEX: Button to live APEX data on Bill Oppenheim web site.
Uniform site colours
0.01.51β07/03/2019New associated and linked domain names.
0.01.50β05/03/2019NEW DEDICATED SERVERS (web & database).
0.01.42β26/01/2019SYSFUNS : Fixed full error display function
APEX IMPORT : Fixed import errors.
0.01.41β20/12/2018BOPP Import : Fixed upgraded SQL import errors
0.01.40β17/12/2018BOPP Import : Improved BOPP DB import debugging
0.01.39β28/11/2018USERS - Temporarily deactivated duplicate email check when creating new users
0.01.38β27/11/2018PUBLICATIONS - Modified dater format for importing to yyyy-mm-dd
0.01.37β22/11/2018BOPP - Columns : Fixed all date and datetime column formatting
0.01.36β03/09/2018BOPP - APEX : Fixed Sire's sire not in Horses table
0.01.35β01/09/2018BOPP - APEX : Fixed TOTABC column import
0.01.34β27/08/2018BOPP - Added H (Hemisphere) column to BOPP_APEX table
0.01.33β22/08/2018BOPP - Added column publication date to Columns
BOPP - Import APEX Current Year or ALL YEARS
0.01.32β20/03/2018Added Cookies Warning Message
0.01.31β19/02/2018BOPP Subscriptions - Table created
0.01.30β09/01/2018APEX Import - Update sire's sire info
0.01.29β03/01/2018WST Import - Re-ordered sort field and Sales ID
0.01.28β22/11/2017User Import - removed adding to DBMODIFS for numerous user imports - User->Add() function
0.01.27β19/11/2017BOPP: BOPP APEX tables created
0.01.26β13/10/2017BOPP: Added Original and OriginalURL columns to BOPP_Columns
0.01.25β05/09/2017BOPP: WST tables created
0.01.24β01/09/2017Fixed type on reports.php (info@ssr.horsr)
0.01.23β27/08/2017Modified Sire Runners table (new fields) and SireRunners Class
0.01.22β21/08/2017BOPP: Columns table created
BOPP: Import BOPP Columns
0.01.21β02/08/2017User Form: Blank country problem
User Form: Blank phone code problem
MAMP - Development database bugs
0.01.20β20/06/2017Import - Fixed country (use syn) for user imports
Admin - User Info Form!
0.01.19β29/05/2017Admin - Publications - Added Deleted Info
0.01.18β29/05/2017About SSR - Displayed logged in or not
Publications and Login forms
Admin - Users List & Publications List : lowlight Deleted
0.01.17β15/05/2017Publications and Login forms
User Forms - Admin Links
Publications Forms - Admin Links
0.01.16β28/04/2017User and Publications and Admin forms
0.01.15β25/04/2017User Admin -> User Info form
0.01.14β24/04/2017Stallion Page: Hide graph/chart
Stallion Search: Deactivated autocomplete
Increased number of days to stay logged in from 2 to 5
Stallions Page: Result list now ul/li instead of table
0.01.13β19/04/2017Stallions Page: Search for Stallion by name!
Main Menu: Removed DB from Import and Admin
0.01.12β16/04/2017Screen widths (device & client) stored in cookies on load
Cosmetic modifications to login notification email.
0.0111β14/04/2017SSR Stallion Pages: SVG Graphs!
Adjusted line-height for Content
DEBUG : click logo for screen info
0.0110β12/04/2017SSR Stallion Pages: Corrected and implemented subtotals and page totals
0.0109β11/04/2017SSR Stallion Pages!
Imports Sire Base Crop Data file: SSRPts now split in to MY and YE
0.0108β10/04/2017Import Sire Base Crop Data file: SSRPts to SiresBasicCropData, Fees to SiresFeesHist, current Standing to SiresStandingsHist
0.0107β08/04/2017Import Sire Base Crop Data file: Fees now to SiresFeesHist table w/ SSR Points
0.0106β07/04/2017Import Sire Base Crop Data file
Sires Basic Crop Data table
DB Admin: Removed Horse page links from Horses and Sires table displays
0.0105β04/04/2017Publications: Full date on big screens, short date on mobile
Navigation: reduced Import and Administration to "DB"
0.0104β03/04/2017Publications: No spacing on file size.
Database Import: Changed options for Live site
0.0103β31/03/2017Import Horse Base File.
Added file size display to Publications listing.
Added hover effect to Publications table rows
0.0102β25/03/2017Google to cde-dev.horse now redirects to ssr.horse.
Added "stallion rankings" to SEO key words
0.0101β24/03/2017Separate database on ssr.horse and cde-dev.horse.
0.01β23/03/2017First public beta release.
0.006922/03/2017Removed all uses of IsLive() function.
0.006822/03/2017Modified Subcribers, SubAccts and Users tables and import functions.
0.006707/03/2017Removed User Info modification form from User Menu (for now).
0.006607/03/2017Finalised Publications modification form(!)
Added real-time character counter to Description field on Publications form
Changed APEX link on About page to point to internal APEX page
Menu order - Publications now after APEX
Added FmtDT ('US', 'WD' or 'SQ') to Users (table, import CSV, class, ...)
All dates and times now, in all table listings, now displayed according to user's preferred format
0.006528/02/2017Adjusted red colour to match logo
Integrated "About SSR" and "APEX" text modifications
0.006410/02/2017Fixed Navigation Menu Item Widths - reduced padding to avoid 2 lines
0.006330/01/2017Added APEX section and page
0.006227/01/2017Fixed green left column on front page - turned back to red
Added getUserLoggedIn function to User class
Fixed Admin all users modif link appearing on User Info page
0.006126/01/2017Font layout changes on mobile devices
Button layout on Database Administration page
0.006025/01/2017Added About SSR section/page.
Added Print CSS formating.
0.005920/01/2017Fixed width of forms on non-mobile screens for Forgot password and Forgot user name
0.005819/01/2017Fixed line height in mobile version of index.
Changed User Menu page to list buttons
0.005716/01/2017Added version number to CSS sheet loads to force recache in Chrome.
Modified Index page layout for mobile.
0.005616/01/2017Added MustBLoggedIn variable to PgHeader with redirect to root
Added explanatory text to front page.
0.005510/01/2017Publications - Description spans 2 columns.
Fixed missing User ID error when returning to logged in site.
0.005409/01/2017New horizontal responsive menu!
Fixed problem with date column formatting in Publications list in Firefox.
Added tiny responsive logo image to header.
Fixed Login remembering user and password.
0.005308/12/2016autoCopyright function.
0.005207/12/2016Updates to Publications and Publications List
Increased Publications Description field to 2048 characters.
0.005106/12/2016Added PubDesc to Publications table
Publications List - Added PubDesc if len
Publications List - Alternating background and indents for Books and Updates
0.005005/12/2016Add isDev, isProd and isLive functions
Publications List layout modifications
Added help@ssr.horse to footer
0.004929/11/2016Fixed database table creation for new installations
0.004808/11/2016Created Publications table
Import : Publications from CSV
Administration Display : Publications
0.004728/10/2016Fixed login errors (cookies cleared)
Changed Database Import order to Users/Subscribers first
Import multiple files - Sire File
0.004622/09/2016Import multiple files - Sire File
0.004513/09/2016Importing multiple Base Sire files.
Splitting Base Sire file at import
Country class find functions test for null
0.004419/07/2016Added Del and DelBy fields to all tables for deleting records functionality
Modified Horses class to always search for Del IS NULL
Modified Horses admin display to highlight deleted entries
Modified Full Horse Info display to display deleted Horse information
0.004320/06/2016Split DBA_Horses display in to 10 pages
0.004208/06/2016Split Sire Crop Data file at import (rather than splitting real import file).
Split Group 1/2 file at import (rather than splitting real import file)
Split A Runners file at import (rather than splitting real import file)
0.004131/05/2016Changed DB Admin A Runners display to include Sire, Damsire and Dam info.
Fixed various data import files for duplicates.
Import A Runners : Changed DamsireYOB to DamYOB without Dam name or other info.
0.004025/05/2016Added Import Errors to the open DB Admin dislay.
Added DUPLICATE HORSES DB Admin display.
Changed Region to Country in Sire G1/G2 import, table, DB Admin and Full Horse Info display.
Reversed Region and Country in A Runners import, table, DB Admin and Full Horse Info display.
0.003917/05/2016Added Region Synonyms (table, import, modified Region class and Database Administration display).
Changed DamCPI display to 2 decimal places in Database Administration and Full Horse Info
0.003816/05/2016Added A Runners to Full Horse Info.
Added A Runners to Data Administration display.
Imported A Runners file.
Added Sire G1/G2 info to Full Horse Info page.
Moved FAM/FDM fields from Sires to Horses table.
0.003710/05/2016Fixed importing with Horse YOB null (0) and/or Horse COB null
0.003604/05/2016Removed "To Verify" field from Horses database
0.003503/05/2016Added "To Verify" field to Horses database to allow for duplicates to be verified later.
Allowed Horse YOB to be ZERO when null.
Modified Horses tables display, Full horse name function, Horse->find and Horse->findAdd functions.
Modified G1G2 import to add Sires, Dams and Damsires with no YOB.
0.003428/04/2016Split big import files (Crop Data and G1G2 files) in to 2 import process
0.003327/04/2016Add FullHorseName function - multiple field sorts
Added Progeny to Full Horse Info
Imported Sire G1G2 file
0.003223/04/2016Create SireG1G2 table.
Added Region to Countrys table
Updated Regions in Standings Codes table
0.003121/04/2016Create SSR_DBImports table and function to insert
Add DBImport to database table creations.
0.003019/04/2016Create SireCrop table.
Import Sire Crop Data file.
Sire Crop Historical Data Administration display
Sire Crop Historical Data on Full Horse Info page
0.002912/04/2016Add Region Name to Standings database administration page.
Added DB Modifs table to database administration page.
0.002808/04/2016Added Full Horse Info page and links from each Database Administration Table display to Full Horse Info.
0.002704/04/2016Add ssr.horse version.
0.002631/03/2016Added full Woopra support, with user identification, to cde-dev.horse and ssr.horse.
0.002530/03/2016Fixed email problems sending password resets and user names.
Problems with database link in User functions.
Users sent from Google to cde-dev.horse are automatically redirected back to Google.
0.002428/03/2016Set User Logins DBAdmin display to reverse sort by Login date/time by default.
0.002327/03/2016Coloured DBAdmin cells with linked or calculated fields.
Changed Standings Regions for Japan, Spain and Turkey.
0.002226/03/2016Added date/time, 3 time zones, to Debug Login email.
0.002125/03/2016Automated filling in LatestFee field in Working File import script.
Added current local date/time to Debug Login email.
0.002023/03/2016Full email functionality implemented for User functions (forgot user name, reset password)
User information now imported rather than hard-coded.
Import scripts all moved to same folder
Verificatio on all database management pages that logged in and in correct groups
0.001919/03/2016FULL Import of WorkingSirefile file in two passes (file and Sires' Sires.
Added treatment of Exported as a Standings code
0.001817/03/2016Database administration menu in header
0.001715/03/2016New Regions tables added (table, class, import, display)
Region field added to Standings table (table, class, import, display)
TJCIS ID field added to Sires table (table, class, import, display)
TJCIS field removed from Standings table (table, class, import, display)
Horses table & class - reduce required fields to Name & YOB.
0.001614/03/2016SireStandings table modifications, new SiresStandingsHist table, new SiresStandingsHist class and new DBADmin displays
SireFees table modifications, new SireFeesHist table, newSireFeesHist class and new DBAdmin displays
Foals field added to Sires table and class.
0.001512/03/2016New fields in Sires, Sire Runners and Sires Fees tables.
0.001411/03/2016Data modifications to Standings, Farm Names and data corrections
Restructure Countries to use Jockey Club codes while maintaining ISO3 codes
Improved Retired and Dead fields display in DBAdmin Sires and Horses listings.
0.0013b10/03/2016Farms synonym modifications
0.0013a08/03/2016Countries, Farms and Standings corrections
0.001308/03/2016Countries, Farms and Standings corrections
0.001207/03/2016Import Countries and synonyms from CSV files.
Import Farm Synonyms from CSV file.
Import Standings Synonyms from CSV file.
Import Horse Synonyms from CSV file.
Create EMail class and send mail on login.
0.001105/03/2016When creating tables no longer recreate User tables and Errors tables.
0.001004/03/2016SireRunners class, SireRunners import and display.
0.000903/03/2016SireTotalFoals class, SireTotalFoals import and display.
0.000801/03/2016Country class and Country import corrections
SireLines class and SireLines import corrections.
SireStandings class, SireStandings import and SireStandings display.
SireFees class, SireFees import and SireFees display.
Horses and Sires classes and Horses / Horse Synonyms / Sires import corrections.
0.000728/02/2016Farm class and Farm import corrections
addSyn() added to class
0.000628/02/2016Import Errors function implemented
0.000527/02/2016Standings class and Standings import corrections
Import Errors tables creation.
0.000425/02/2016First modification of Standings import.
0.000324/02/2016Horse/Sire Dead/Retired info imported.
0.000222/02/2016User LogIn functions redone.
0.000119/02/2016View database tables contents.